Monday, September 15, 2014

Mrs. Nicodemus Kindergarten Newsletter 
September 15, 2014

Reading: Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip is an Animal Fantasy story. This means the characters are animals and they do things that could not really happen. In this story, the teacher, Miss Bindergarten, takes her class on a field trip to see different places in the community. We will discuss ways that people can cooperate in a community, and students will understand that cooperating helps them have a fun time and learn new things. As you are out and about this week, see if you and your child can find anyone in the community cooperating!

Target Comprehension Skill: Classify and Categorize – to place things or ideas that are alike in at least one way into groups. When children classify and categorize key details in a story, they are analyzing how the details are alike. Answering classify and categorize questions about a story helps children learn to use evidence from the text and illustrations to support the conclusions they draw. This week, challenge your child to sort toys, socks, rocks, or anything else you have, into 2 groups and ask them to identify which characteristic is the same in each group. You can also provide a group of objects and ask which one doesn’t belong.

Letter Recognition: Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
We are still working on identifying different upper and lower case letters. These are the letters we will be focusing on this week. Challenge your child to find and identify these letters around the house. You can use flash cards (or index cards that you write the letter on) to play uppercase and lowercase matching or memory, too.   

Amazing Words: bakery, fire station, post office, chaperone, park, library
Each week we will learn 6 words from our weekly story that will help build our oral vocabulary. By the end of the week your child should be able to use each word in a sentence. Try to work these words into conversations with your child and discuss them.

Phonological Awareness: Initial sounds – identifying words that begin with the same sound. Ex: pig/pan, lock/love. This week, have your child choose items around the house or outside and identify the beginning sound. You can also tell your child 3 words and ask him to identify which two have the same first sound and which doesn’t belong (working on classify and categorize skills, too!) ex: pig, pan, lock

Sight Words: the, little, (past words: I, am)
Please practice these words at home! Students can write, search for, or use flash cards to read the words,

Writing: This week we will work on describing things. We will identify what color things are and if they are big, small, long, short, heavy, light, soft, rough, etc. We will draw pictures and “write” describing words that match.  

Math: We will be wrapping up Ch. 1 this week. Students will still be using the language “I canread numbers, write numbers, and count objects.” We have worked with the numbers 1-5, and we worked on finding different ways of making 5 (1 and 4; 2 and 3). We will review these numbers and skills along with practicing zero and ordering numbers.

Interims: Just a reminder, interim reports come out this Friday, but this does not include kindergarten. Progress Book login info will be sent home at report card time.

Behavior Charts: I have received questions regarding what the colors on the behavior chart mean. All students begin the day on green and will stay on green if they do a good job. A few students each day may get moved to blue if they are showing exemplary behavior and going above and beyond. Moving to blue is not something I give out easily. If a student is struggling to follow directions or classroom procedures, they will be moved to yellow and if a student continues to need multiple reminders throughout the day they will be moved to red. Loss of a privilege or certain activity may result if a student is on yellow or red. Please be sure to keep this form in your child’s folder and return to school each day. Thank you.

Wish List Items: Please do not feel obligated, but if you would like to donate items to our classroom, here are a few wanted items: cotton balls, blank cassette tapes, lacing string, and $5 Walgreens gift card (photos).

School Fees: School fees are $50 this year. Please pay or send in a payment as soon as possible. Thank you!

Feel free to contact me with any questions @ 943-6924

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