Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Earth Day

Last Monday, on April 22, we celebrated Earth Day. Well, April 22 was Earth Day, but we celebrated all week! We read a poem about the Earth and a Curious George book that taught us about Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. In writing, we wrote a paragraph using a topic sentence and details about ways we can take care of the Earth, and we also wrote a poem using nouns and verbs about things in the environment that we love. We even had some students make posters of information they learned, and they shared these with the class. 

There is a dumpster at CVS that is only for recycling, and we learned we can take glass, steel cans (like for soup, veggies, fruit, etc), cardboard, plastic two liter bottles, and aluminum pop cans there. We can also recycle our old paper from home in the paper recycling dumpster here at school! 

Recycling Dumpster at CVS

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