Wednesday, November 19, 2014

October learning!

This week we are practicing the skill 'Compare and Contrast'. We have learned that 'Compare' means to think about what is the same and 'Contrast' means to think about what is different. Here are some pictures from when we compared and contrasted two different apples.  

Every two weeks we get a new set of sight words to learn. These are 'tricky' words because they do not always make the letter sounds with which we are familiar. We practice reading and spelling these words because they are common words that we come across often. In the pictures below, we are playing a game where each student has a different letter and must find the other letters needed to build a word. The students loved this game and did very well!

 Skills Group: We practice letter sounds, bumpy and smooth blending, and reading sentences. When we bumpy blend, we make each sound individually. When we smooth blend, we slowly make the sounds but we do not stop in between each sound. When we read, we try to make it sound fluent; just like we are talking. 

We have learned about the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance several times this year. We read the story We Are So Proud, we celebrated Constitution Day, and we celebrated Veteran's Day. We are thankful for our country! 

We read a story about different animals and what their babies are called. Students chose an animal and it's baby to draw and write about. 

Meerkat and Pup; Lion and Cub
Zebra and Foal; Lion and Cub

Giraffe and Calf; Zebra and Foal

Students love working in the math and literacy centers! They cooperate to put an ABC puzzle together, they work on different ways to make a number, and they match uppercase letters and lowercase letters.

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