Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hi, boys and girls! I hope you are having a fantastic summer! I sure am. My family has stayed busy with lots and lots of baseball games. We've even gone on some weekend trips out of town for baseball tournaments. Have any of you ever been to Athens, Ohio or Dayton, Ohio? I've also spent a lot of time with my extended family. One of my cousins is traveling to Zambia (a country in Africa) to work in an orphanage for a month. She lives in Virginia, but came to Cincinnati to visit with us before she leaves. She is a very talented musician and we were lucky enough to have her play for us while she was here. I can't wait until she returns to hear about her trip!  See if you can find Athens, Ohio, Dayton, Ohio, and Zambia, Africa on the map! I would love to hear what you all have been up to this summer. Feel free to post below and share what your favorite thing has been!

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