Monday, May 13, 2013

Last week...

What a great week we had last week! To celebrate Right to Read week, we read several versions of Cinderella. Two of our favorites were Dogerella and Dinorella!

We compared them to the original version, and we talked about the Author's Purpose for writing them. We decided that the authors did not write these stories to inform or persuade us, but rather to entertain us. We were certainly entertained!

Also, in honor of Right to Read week, we had the privilege of seeing a Madcap puppet show called the Cinderella Files, and the PTA sponsored a movie day in the cafeteria. Students brought beach towels and enjoyed popcorn while watching a movie. 

On top of that, we enjoyed some of the nice weather and spent some time outside reading with a partner.
Last, but not least, we had a visit from Mrs. Wolff and her new baby Lucas! He was a cutie!

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