Monday, May 13, 2013

Reading   This week we will discuss why family celebrations are special. We are reading the text A Birthday Basket for Tia about a great-aunt’s ninetieth birthday. We will be practicing the reading strategies of drawing conclusions and questioning as we read. In this story, we will come across some words written in Spanish, so our vocabulary strategy focuses on using context clues to help figure out the meaning of a word.  

Spelling   Our target skill for word knowledge will be words with final syllables –tion, -ture, and –ion. The spelling test will be Friday.

Spelling Words: action, caution, feature, fixture, future, mixture, motion, nation, nature, picture, section, station, tradition, celebration, brilliant.

Math    We will be finishing Chapter 10 this week and our test will be on Thursday. Students should be able to identify titles and labels on a graph, be able to identify correct data amounts on picture, bar and tally graphs, and be able to calculate differences in amounts. They will also need to be able to fill in a bar graph with given data.  

*Our class has won the Marco's Pizza Party! We will enjoy our pizza lunch on Friday. Students only need to bring a drink on this day!

*Monday will be our grade's Field Day! We will be outside the majority of the day, so please dress accordingly. Students should wear comfortable clothing and wear gym shoes.

Last week...

What a great week we had last week! To celebrate Right to Read week, we read several versions of Cinderella. Two of our favorites were Dogerella and Dinorella!

We compared them to the original version, and we talked about the Author's Purpose for writing them. We decided that the authors did not write these stories to inform or persuade us, but rather to entertain us. We were certainly entertained!

Also, in honor of Right to Read week, we had the privilege of seeing a Madcap puppet show called the Cinderella Files, and the PTA sponsored a movie day in the cafeteria. Students brought beach towels and enjoyed popcorn while watching a movie. 

On top of that, we enjoyed some of the nice weather and spent some time outside reading with a partner.
Last, but not least, we had a visit from Mrs. Wolff and her new baby Lucas! He was a cutie!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reading   This week we are reading the text Red, White and Blue: The Story of the American Flag.   We will be learning about our flag’s nicknames, history, and how it has changed over the years. Our Reading Street question is What traditions and celebrations involve our country’s flag? Target skills are identifying the author’s purpose while summarizing and multiple-meaning words. Our target skill for word knowledge is abbreviations.

Spelling   Spelling test is Friday. Every abbreviation on the test will need to start with a capital letter and end with a period to be counted correct.
Spelling Words: Mr., Mrs., St., Jan., Feb., Aug., Dr., Ms., Rd., Oct., Nov., Dec., independence, symbol, allegiance

Math    We will finish Ch. 9 - Measuring using Centimeters and Meters on Monday and our test will be Tuesday, May 7th. We will begin Chapter 10 this week. It will focus on collecting and displaying data using picture and bar graphs.

Right to Read Week    Also, we will be celebrating Right to Read week each day with fun reading activities and will have an assembly Tues. morning for a Madcap puppet show on fairytales. PTA is planning a special movie event Friday for each grade level. Thank you PTA! 

Interims   Please look for interim reports coming home on Monday, May 6th.