Thursday, March 24, 2016

A visit from a police officer!

Kindergarten is currently learning about transportation and this week our focus was about emergency transportation. We were LUCKY enough (on St. Patrick's Day) to be visited by a local police officer, Officer Alex Koszo, to help us answer some of our questions. Officer Koszo shared a lot of information about his job and even let us go see his police car. Although we may have startled some of the other classes, I think our favorite part was listening to the siren and seeing the lights flashing! A big thanks to Officer Koszo and the Union Township Police Department for taking the time to come to our classroom and help us learn more about emergency transportation and emergency workers.  

Celebrating Dr. Seuss!

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, we read several different books by Dr. Seuss throughout the week. Students loved the silly rhymes and kooky characters! We also made Cat in the Hat masks to go along with our reading. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


We have had a great time in Specials classes this rotation. ROY G. BIV, sculptures, rhyming, and Italian are just some of the things we've been learning. Check out the pictures below!

In Music class, Mr. Endres has been teaching us some Italian
words that composers use when writing songs! 
Forte = fast, Piano = soft

Largo = slow, Presto = fast

In Art class, students learned about sculptures and made 3D rainbows!
ROY G. BIV helps us remember the colors of the rainbow!

 In Art class, students painted a background for their penguin!

Gym Class Fun!
Warming up for gym class!