Monday, September 21, 2015

Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day. We learned that the Constitution was made long ago and is the set of rules for our nation. We also created a list of rules that we thought would be good for us to have in our classroom. We made a promise to follow them. When we were finished we got to make red, white, and blue headbands. 

 Mr. Endres played guitar for us and let us march around to the beat of his drum!

This is our Art teacher, Ms. Williams. She read us the story, The Day the Crayons Quit

September 11th and Platypuses

On September 11th, our class discussed the American flag. We learned that honoring the flag is a way to honor our country and the men and women that have given their lives to protect us. We learned that many years ago, some bad people tried to hurt our country and tried to make us sad, but Americans loved our country so much that we cooperated and came together to show those people that we weren't going to let them break us down and that we were more proud than ever to be Americans and live in the United States of America! 

This was also a special day for us because we had a Plaid / Bring a stuffed animal to school day. In our story of the week, Plaidypus Lost, the little girl has a stuffed platypus made out of plaid material. Students were able to wear plaid and bring their own stuffed animal to school with them. Our comprehension skill for the week was Sequencing, so at the end of the day, we practiced this skill by drawing what our stuffed animals did with us at the beginning, middle, and end of the school day. 


Some of our morning friends!

Some students enjoyed reading to their stuffed animals...

Some students enjoyed writing and coloring with their stuffed animals...

 We also made paper bag platypus puppets and sequenced the events from Plaidypus Lost

Did you know... 
Platypuses are only 1 of 2 mammals that are hatched from an egg and they live in Australia!
They have bills like a duck, tails like a beaver, and a body like an otter! They have webbed feet to help them swim and they have poisonous spurs on the back of their rear legs!