Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Things to do this weekend...

Looking for something to do this weekend? Here are three great opportunities being offered locally.

Pinkalicious, The Musical

Visit this link to learn more about the Calico Children's Theater located at the University of Cincinnati's Clermont Campus: This Saturday, they will be performing Pinkalicious, The Musical. Tickets are $7/ person and can be purchased online until sold out. Show times are 1:30 and 3:30.

Synopsis: Pinkalicious can’t stop eating pink cupcakes despite warnings from her parents.  Her pink indulgence lands her at the doctor’s office with Pinkititis, an affliction that turns her pink from head to toe – a dream come true for this pink loving enthusiast.  But when her hue goes too far, only Pinkalicious can figure out a way to get out of this predicament.

Children's Book Night

Check out this link for more information about Children's Book Night taking place at Union Township Branch Library on Friday, November 1!

Head to the Union Township Branch for Children’s Book Night on Friday, Nov. 1. An illustrator panel with Jeffrey Ebbeler, Tammie Lyon, Christina Wald, and Eric Rohmann begins the evening. Later, hear Featured Authors, Steven Jenkins and Candace Flemming speak. The event is free and open to the public, no registration necessary! Stay around for autographs and book signing.

Used Book Sale

The Union Township Branch Library will be having a used book sale starting Saturday, Nov.2 and ending Saturday, Nov.9. This is a great opportunity to find used fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and audio/visual materials to add to your child's personal library. I believe the books may be "bought" with whatever amount you think is fair to donate in exchange for your books.

Saturday, November 2, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Monday-Tuesday, November 4 & 5, from Noon-8 p.m.; Wednesday-Thursday, November 6 & 7, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday, November 8 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, November 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week of October 28th

Book: Animal Babies in Grasslands – We will be learning what grasslands are, where they can be found, and what animals can be found there. We will also be learning about what we call the babies of those animals. As part of our learning, we will discuss what some adult animals do for their babies and compare that to what adult people do for their babies.

 Target Skill: Main Idea (what the story is mostly about)

 Amazing Words: grassland, calf, foal, pup, cub, joey

Phonological Awareness: Pp says /p/ penguin

Sight Words: we, my, like   (Please practice at home. All of the words your child is expected to know at this point are: I, am, the, little, to, a, have, and is)

We will be starting Ch. 4 this week.  Students should now be able to count, read, write, and draw to show numbers 1-9. We will continue to practice if a number is greater or less than another number. Chapter 4 will focus on representing and comparing numbers to ten.

Book Fair
This week is the Book Fair. We will be going on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Please put all money in an envelope or baggie labeled “Bookfair” with your child’s name. You may choose to send in money for your child to choose whichever book they want, or you may send in money along with a list or note regarding which books they are allowed to buy. It is very helpful if you can give some guidance! J You can check out the book fair online also at

Cold Weather
Now that the weather is getting colder, please make sure to dress your child appropriately. We will be going outside still. It is important that you label all coats, hats, etc. with your child’s name. Many items look similar and students do not always remember what they brought. I already have one jacket that does not have a name and no student has claimed. Please let me know if you are missing one.  

This Friday will be a B day.

No School
There will be no school on Tuesdsay, November 5th and Monday, November 11th.

If anyone is able to send in a deck of cards for the classroom it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

West Clermont School Levy
Please remember to cast your vote on Tuesday, November 5th!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 7 from 4-7:30; Tuesday, Novevmber 12 from 4-7:30; and Thursday, November 14 from 8-2:45. This week each child should be bringing home a conference request form. I encourage each family to sign up for a time slot and return the form as quickly as possible. Each conference will last 15 minutes and will give us an opportunity to discuss your son/daughter's academic and social progress as well as answer any questions you may have. Anyone needing transportation to or from conferences can have that arranged by PTO. I look forward to seeing you all!

News for Oct. 21 - Oct. 25

This week's newsletter:

Book: Nature Spy – We will be looking closely at things found in nature. We will learn about making observations, and we will go outside to see what we can observe in nature. We will record what we see, hear, feel, and smell.

Target Skill: Setting (where and when something is happening)

Amazing Words: spy, discover, nature, pod, acorn, pattern

Phonological Awareness: Ss says /S/ salamander

Sight Words: have, is   (Please practice at home. All of the words your child is expected to know at this point are: I, am, the, little, to, a, have, and is)

We are finishing Ch. 3 this week. Students should now be able to count, read, write, and draw to show numbers 1-9. We will continue to practice if a number is greater or less than another number. Chapter 4 will focus on representing and comparing numbers to ten. Chapter 3 Math homework is due this week.

Thursday night from 6-8 is the W.T Math and Science Fall Fun Fest. There is a green flyer coming home with your child tonight containing more information. Please consider stopping by for free food, contests, and fun science and math activities. The book fair will also be open at this time for families to shop together. I look forward to seeing you there! 

Book Fair
Next week will be the Book Fair. We will be going on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. A flyer is coming home with your child tonight with books that they may choose from. You may choose to send in money for your child to choose whichever book they want or you may send in money along with a list or note regarding which books they are allowed to buy. It is very helpful if you can give some guidance! J You can check out the book fair online also at

Thank you to everyone that has sent in snacks for us to enjoy! We really appreciate it! Some of our favorites are pretzels, goldfish, and vanilla wafers.

Please be sure to empty out your child’s folder each night or each week. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pictures from Aug./Sept.

Students loved reading about Chester the raccoon and making "Chester" puppets!

Practicing kindergarten sight words! 
We love puzzles!

We can sort by shirt color! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ch. 3 Math and Ten Frames

This week in Math, we will begin Chapter 3. In this chapter, we will show and count 6,7, 8, and 9 objects. We will represent those objects with a number name and a written numeral. We will also begin using 10 frames. The ten frame is a graphic organizer arranged in two connected rows of five. It is designed this way because most people can recognize sets of five displayed in two rows. Children will use the ten frame to explore relationships of numbers that are less than 10, but more than 5. As they learn to interpret the ten frame, they will be able to see at a glance that a number such as 6 is one more than 5, but four more would be needed to make 10.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October already!

Here is this week's newsletter! Your kiddos have been working very hard in school. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!