Thursday, September 26, 2013

Check out our October Calendar for important dates!
(This is my first time using a link, so please let me know if you have any trouble opening the file!)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Just a reminder: Friday is a "B" day!
This week in... Reading!
Unit 1 Big Question: How do we live, work, and play together?
Question of the Week: How do families cooperate?
Story of the Week: Plaidypus Lost
Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Sight Words: the, little
Amazing Words: platypus, lost, market, around, found, groceries

In our story of the week, we read Plaidypus Lost. Our main character was a little girl that had a stuffed platypus her grandmother made for her. Everywhere she went, she lost Plaidypus, and then she had to go back to find him. We found rhyming words in our story and practiced reading some of the repetitive text.

Letter recognition: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss
(Use a book or magazine to have your child look for and name these letters!)

Phonemic Awareness: Initial Sounds
(We say the words in slow motion as we slide one arm down the other. To find the beginning sound, we stop our arm at our sleeve, so we hear only the initial sound. Give your child a word and ask them to stretch it for you!)

This week in... Math!

We are finishing up Chapter 1 this week. We have now learned the numerals and the words for numbers 0-5. We have counted objects and filled in five frames to represent numbers.  

                                                 Five frame 

We have also learned how to use the strategy make a model to solve problems. This means we used objects(counters) to show how many we started with and how many we took away. This actively involves students in thinking about the problem and provides a visual connection.

We will be taking the Chapter 1 test on Wednesday and Friday of this week. Next week, we will begin Chapter 2 where we will learn to compare two numbers.

Math Homework: Math homework was due this week. If you did not get it turned in, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we took on this new challenge! The Chapter 2 math homework will be sent home on Monday and Tuesday of next week. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kindergarten.....Week 3

Hi, parents! I'm working on getting my blog up and running again, so hopefully I will be able to start posting more information on here soon. I plan to post pictures and examples of activities we are doing in class, as well as important information you may need regarding our math and reading programs, important calendar dates, and homework information.

Important Info: Friday, September 13 is an "A" day. The Monday / Wednesday group comes to school.

Kindergarten!...Week 1

We were busy, busy, busy last week! From reading books, coloring pictures, and making puppets to learning how to raise our hand, sit "crisscross, applesauce", and line up and walk through the hallways quietly, I'm sure your child was as worn out as I was!

During the first week, we also practiced writing our names, we learned about the letter a and the colors red and green, and we read a book called The Kissing Hand.

Here are some pictures of us during our first week!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's Time for Kindergarten!

Hello, kindergarten families! I am so excited to welcome you to the WT family. It is my first year at WT also, and so far, everyone has been extremely helpful and friendly. I am quite certain you will love it as much as I already do!

Here is a picture of me and a picture of Mrs. Schmidt to help you recognize us when you see us. Please introduce yourself if you see me! I would love to get to know you better. I've also included a link to the Aug./Sept. lunch menu and an article about making the transition to Kindergarten a little easier.

Mrs. Schmidt

 Easing the transition to Kindergarten:

Aug./ Sept. lunch menu: